Sinhgad Student Council

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Training and Consultancy Club

A Training and Consultancy club has been constituted under banner of Sinhgad Institutes.

It consists of following members:

  1. Prof A S Gandhe
  2. Prof Dr. Meetali More
  3. Prof Jyoti Howale

The entire coordination will be done through Dr .Mohsin Shaikh

Objective :

  1. To provide need based training to Management students of Ambegaon and Vadgaon campus so as to improve their employability .
  2. To explore the areas in the field of HR where management Institute can contribute to establishment and implementation of Business strategies .

The Management committee of the cell will meet at least once in a week to discuss and review progress.
Student participants of the cell will meet every alternate Thursday From 2 pm to 5 pm.

Programmes proposed

  1. A Lecture on real life experiences in Organisational Development
  2. BSNL change after Becoming BSNL
  3. Experiential Learning visits in a group for six students at least once in a month
  4. Personal grooming of student through pool of faculties drawn from SKNSSBM, SIOM, NBN, SCOE, SKNCOE
  5. Training in Team Building

Membership :
Initial it is proposed to limit membership to 25 students. This limit will be enhances depending on resources . Each student will be charged one time membership fee of Rs 300. Media and Marketing committee has been entrusted with the task of enrolling members.

Venue : Venue for the meetings will be SKNSSBM Conference Hall.