Auther :Mr. Pankaj Yohan Kale Lecturer, PIMS (DU), College of Nursing, Loni, Maharashtra Title : Domestic precautions for Geriatrics Abstract : Aging is the natural process that influences the individual, family and society in different ways. In India, elderly account for 9% of total population. In 2005 project department of health, focused on house hazards and aimed to reduce home accidents especially falls. The need for this was highlighted by several pieces of research and a national campaign to raise awareness of these issues. It reported one third of people over 65 will fall at least once a year, every five hours an older person dies as a result of an accidental fall in their home, following a hip fracture 50% of older people can no longer live independently and 25% die. Health problems are a major concern for the elderly and they are prone to disease and disabilities, which can make them physically and economically dependent. Number of old people is rising day by day. Life expectancy has gone up-to 63.87% in Males and 66.91% in females. Along with increase in life span of geriatrics their problems too increase. There is rapid increase in the news reports regarding older people becoming easy victims of violent incidents. Many of the problems can be prevented and the elderly can be assisted to live a better and more productive life. View PDF File |
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