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Auther :Mrs. Reshma Salve
M.Sc. Community Health Nursing
Sinhgad College Nursing, Pune, Maharashtra.

Title : Geriatric Emotional Health: Residing In Old Age Homes

Abstract : In the words of Seneca; ‘Old age is an incurable disease’, but more recently, Sir James Sterling Ross commented: ‘You do not heal old age. You protect it; promote it; you extend it,’ therefore old age should be regarded as a normal, inevitable, biological phenomenon.

The world's population is ageing. By 2025, the world's population is expected to include more than 830 million people at an age of 65. The percentage of the population >= 65 will be highest in developed countries, but the absolute number will be higher in developing countries. Developing countries such as China and India have the largest total population and will continue to have the largest absolute number of elderly people. With a comparatively young population, India is still poised to become home to the second largest number of older persons in the world. (Park.K 2009)

The World Assembly on Aging, held at Vienna in 1982, which marked the beginning of increasing concern about the aging process and its socio-economic implications. The year 1989 was declared as the ‘The International year of the Aged.’ This reflects the concern of the world community for the aged. Ageing, a progressive development in the life span is a marker of life’s journey towards growth and maturity.

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