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Auther :Mr. Athare Sainath V.
M. Sc. Psychiatric Nursing, Lecturer, M.K.S.S.,
Bakul Tambat Institute of Nursing Education, Pune, Maharashtra.

Title : Factors influencing suicidal behavior among the adolescents

Abstract : "The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live", Elbert Hubbard
Suicide ranks as the second most common cause of death for college students in the age group of 15 to 24. Suicide prevention among children and adolescents is therefore a high priority. Suicidal behavior among adolescent students is a matter of great concern due to tragic loss of prime years of life it entails. Several factors in the areas of family, academic, socioeconomic, physical, marriage, occupation, mental health and absence of protective factors contribute significantly for suicidal behavior. Early identification and social awareness about the risk factors which influencing on suicidal behavior is done through the school based suicide preventive activities that includes teachers, doctors, school nurses, school psychologist and school social workers. So we can save the precious lives of adolescents.

Beside physical change, the adolescent are on course for adulthood. In other word this period is the foundation stone of their lifestyle. Since 1950s, the incidence of suicide among adolescent and young adults had nearly tripled. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among young people, aged 15-24 years, following the motor vehicle crashes and homicide.

Bangalore cities suicide graph is going up. Suicides are the single largest cause of all unnatural death in Banglore. The numbers of people who commit suicide every year in city exceed the number of victims of homicide and road accident. In 2005, 1470 person committed suicide in Bangalore. While 2006 the rate is 2000 and till the end of April 2007, 843 cases reported.

The investigators worked as clinical instructor, came across various students who manifested suicidal behavior. Also nowadays suicidal behavior has becomes common in adolescents and number of suicidal cases and suicidal attempts are increasing gradually. Usually action is taken always after the incidents but there is less attention paid towards preventive measures and finding the exact cause to decrease prevalence of suicidal behavior in adolescent. So investigator felt that ‘the study to assess the factor influencing adolescent suicidal behavior’ will help for the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescent.

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