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Auther :Ms. Seema Anil Chavan
Lecturer, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing,
Pimpri, Pune.

Title : Coping patterns among the adolescents with dysmenorrhoea

Abstract : Growing up is stressful and challenging in the best of times. Adolescents aged between 10-19 years are accounted for more than one-fifth of the world’s population. If the developmental milestones are tackled successfully, the adult life is well set.

During this period, a girl reaches physical and sexual maturity. Several physiological and psychological changes make this age group vulnerable.

Menarche is an important landmark in the process of growth and maturation of an adolescent girl. Menstruation is a normal physiological impact in each girl’s life. Though menstruation is a normal physiological process for all healthy girls, pain during menstruation sometimes incapacitates her. It influences her study, work and routine activities. More than 50% of girls and women have cramps during their menstrual periods.

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