Author : Ms Divina M,Ms Aleena V,Ms Soniya S,Mr Kishore R & Mr Sachin B Title : Pulmonary Rehabilitation for patients with Respiratory disease . Abstract : Breathing can be taken for granted thinking that it is just an in involuntary reflex action, but for the millions of people who are suffering from respiratory diseases each breath is a major accomplishment those people include patients with Chronic obstructed problems, such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema .etc The common factors responsible for respiratory diseases are smoking, allergies, low immunity, pollution, hereditary,etc As respiratory diseases is leading cause of death in India there is a need to take measures for coping up the individual health and so Pulmonary Rehabilitation with medical therapy is effective. According to Goldstein, Hill k, Brooks D; Pulmonary Rehabilitation is an evidencebased multi-disciplinary, comprehensive intervention that can be integrated into the management of individuals with chronic lung disease PDF File |
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