Auther : Ms. Sunita Chaudhary Vice Prtincipal, ERA College of Nursing, Lucknow, UP. Title : Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme about the knowledge of Mothers on Early Ambulation and its impact on the Recovery after Caesarean Section. Abstract : Women and children are our nations greatest assets. Health of the women is the basis for the better health of family as well as of the nation. It is therefore expedient that a women should possess optimum health. In order to achieve it every, women should receive the required health care and attention. A women during her life cycle ha to pass through different phase like childhood, puberty, womanhood, motherhood & old age. The birth of baby is delightful experience for mother and whole family. The birth of baby can occur either by normal vaginal delivery or by caesarean section. For caesarean section a women has to get hospitalised. Caesarean section is a type of major abdominal surgery. It can be define as a surgical incision made on the pregnant uterus through abdominal wall to remove the foetus after 28 week gestation. Caesarean birth have progressively increased from earlier times. Early ambulation helps to enhance the involution of uterus and drainage of lochia. Ambulation is to encourage the patient to move and walk after in order to have fast recovery. View PDF File |
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