Auther : MS. MANISHA SHRIKANT GAIKWAD M.Sc. Medical Surgical Nursing MR. SHREENATH KULKARNI M.Sc. Psychiatric Nursing, Associate Professor, M.K.S.S., Bakul Tambat Institute of Nursing Education, Pune. Title : ASSESSMENT OF RISK FACTORS FOR CORONARY ARTERY DISEASES IN EMPLOYEES OF SELECTED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES Abstract :In the present study a descriptive exploratory research design was used to achieve the objectives of the study. The study was conducted in five selected educational institutes of Pune city. In the present study the sample comprised of 60 teachers of primary and secondary schools and higher secondary colleges in selected educational institutes of Pune city, a semi structured questionnaire regarding assessment of risk factors of coronary artery diseases was prepared to study the sample. Descriptive and inferential statistics had been used to analyze the data obtained through interviews. This study showed that teachers, based on their prevalence of CAD risk factors, are at increasing risk of CAD. View PDF File |
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