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    Current Issues

     Volume V, Issue II, December 2015.

Correlation between dietary practices and nutritional status among under five children of urban slum.
- Shahnawaz Pinzara , Assistant professor J.I.E.T College of Nursing Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Effectiveness Of Early Suckling on Placental Separation and Blood Loss among Primiparous Women.
- Mrs. Harilakshmi K, Lecturer. Sinhgad College of Nursing.Pune

Knowledge of staff nurses regarding use of defibrillators in Intensive Care Units.
- Mr. Sandeep Thombare, Clinical Instructor. Sinhgad College of Nursing, Pune.

Effect of Stress and Coping strategies adapted by family members of chronically ill patient
- Mr. D'souza Manuel A, J.J.Hospital I.N.E.Mumbai.

Effectiveness of planned teaching on knowledge regarding immunization among the mothers of children below five years
- Satish.N.Salvi, College of Nursing, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Sangli, Maharashtra,
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