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Current Issues
Volume VIII, Issue I, June 2018.
Knowledge and Practices regarding care of Patient with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)
-Ms. Gaikwad Deepali Joseph
Effect of fenugreek seed powder in control of blood glucose level among type II diabetes mellitus people in selected urban community of the city
-Mrs. Dipali Awate
Effectiveness of Camphor Oil and Ginger Oil Local Application on Sore Throat and Dry Cough among Preschoolers residing in selected Urban areas of city.
-Ms. Deepali R. Khaire
Assess the Knowledge on Optional Vaccines among Mothers of Under Five Children in selected Hospital of the City.
-Ms. Deepali R. Khaire, Mr. Vipul Adbale, Ms. Shital Bardeskar, Ms. Sujata Kanade, Mrs. Suhasini V. Sanas
Effectiveness of Brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on Level of Self-Esteem among Sober Alcohol Dependents attending self-help groups in selected areas
-Ms. Komal B. Sonarkar
Effectivness of Pre-operative Instructions on Postoperative Outcomes measure among Women Undergoing Abdominal Hysterectomy in selected Hospitals
-Ms. Seema S. Nandure
Effectiveness of Jacobson’s Muscle Relaxation Technique on Level of Anxiety and Quality of Sleep among COPD patients at selected hospitals of city
-Ms. Preeti Bansi Sable
Effectiveness of Buerger Allen Exercise on Lower Extremity Perfusion among Patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus admitted at selected hospitals of city.
-Ms. Pritam V. Gavit
The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Mothers regarding Promotion of Mental Health in children in a selected Rural community, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
-Mrs. Ruth Khajekar
Assess the incidence of Vitamin A deficiency and its associated factors among under five children
-Mrs. Shital Bardeskar
Effect of traditional versus video-assisted BLS (basic life support) training on knowledge and practice among internship students in selected educational institutes of the city
-Miss. Rashmi Balkrushna Patkar
Effect of Baby Crawl on Breastfeeding Initiation among Postnatal Mothers at selected hospitals of the city
-Ms. Asha Sanas. Mrs. Shubhada Ponkshe
Assess the knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls
-Ms. Monali Patil
A study to assess the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation technique in reducing stress level among nurses working in labour room in selected hospitals
-Mrs. Sheetal Pawar
Assess the effect of teaching program on knowledge for male staff nurses on preoperative pulmonary care on post-operative recovery of patients in selected hospitals in Pune City
-Mrs. Shilpa G. Bakal
Effectiveness of a planned teaching programme on adolescent crisis for the mothers of Pre- adolescent and adolescent children attending selected schools in Pune
-Mrs. Reshma Bodhak.Ms. Monali Patil
Complete Reference To The Sinhgad E-Journal PDF
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