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    Current Issues

     Volume V, Issue I, June 2015.

Family members of alcohol dependence: Problems and coping strategies adopted.
- Mrs. Meenakshi P. Gijare.Associate Professor

Planned Teaching Programme: It's effect on knowledge.
- Ms. Kalpana Joshi. Tutor.

Pressure Ulcers: Level Of Understanding in Nursing perspective.
- Nirmal Kumar Meena ,Nursing Tutor.

Occupational Stress among Staff Nurses
- Mr. Nithin Philip ,Lecturer.

Planned Health Teaching programme : its effect on knowledge about Swine Flu
- Poonam Yadav, Shriram Tanksale, Jyoti Yangfo IVTh B.SC Nursing Mrs. Sheetal Barde, Asst.Prof

Caring epileptic patients: care takers knowledge and attitude.
- Asif Khan Pathan. Nursing Tutor / Clinical Instructor

Blood pressure levels: different for stream students.
- Mrs. Sadhana U Adhyapak,Associate Professor.

Perceived Barriers For Noncompliance Of Immunization
- Saraswati Kamble .M.Sc Nursing

Knowledge on Autism Spectrum Disorder among Health Professionals
- Ms. Sheela Upendra,Ph.D scholar

Knowledge And Self Reported Practices : Lifestyle Modification for Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease.
- Mrs. Shilpa. Bakal,M.Sc Nursing
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