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    Past Issues

    Volume VIII, Issue II, December 2018.

Effectiveness of betadine ointment versus lavender oil application on episiotomy wound healing among the postnatal mothers admitted in PNC ward of selected hospitals
-Ms. Christina Michael Martin
Assessment of family history and precipitating factors leading to schizophrenia among schizophrenic patients in selected areas
-Mr. Divyam Nikam
A Study to assess the perceived stress and depression among elderly people residing at selected old age homes in Pune city.
-Ms. Surekha Bhanudas Misal
Effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding umbilical cord blood cell collection, preservation, and its utilization among ANC mothers attending ANC OPD in selected areas.
-Ms. Surekha Bhanudas Misal
Effectiveness of health teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of angina pectoris among patients admitted with coronary artery diseases in selected hospitals
-Mr. Priyjeet Revchand Gaikwad
Effectiveness of planned health teaching on knowledge regarding management of dog bite among higher secondary students of selected college
-Mr. Raunak Ravindra Sonawane
Attitude Among College Students Towards Organ Donation
-Ms.Supriya Namdev Kadam, **Mr. Vishal R. Naikare
Knowledge Among College Students Towards Organ Donation
-Ms.Supriya Namdev Kadam, **Mr. Vishal R. Naikare
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