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    Current Issues

     Vol. III, Issue II, December 2013.

Effectiveness of SIM on knowledge of parents regarding prevention of domestic accidents among the under five children.
- Prof. Mrs. Meena Sonavane , Mr. Ramesh K. Bhondawe

Knowledge of Autism Among Pre School Teachers.
- Mrs. Sheela Upendra

Use of simulation to teach CPR skills.
-Mrs. Sadhana Adhyapak

Effect of guided imagery on life style among alcoholics.
- Ms. Nisha S. Naik

A comparative study to assess and develop information booklet on immunization practices among health personnel from selected urban versus rural areas of Pune district.
- Mrs. Shweta Joshi

Expressed Breast Milk and Its Storage.
- Ms. Shital Waghmare

Effectiveness of information booklet on the knowledge in relation to selected aspects of first aid in the golden hour among the school teachers.
- Ms. Sonal Shantaram Gawade

Knowledge and issues, regarding physiological and psychological changes during puberty among adolescent girls.
- Mr. Hanuman Bishnoi

Lifestyle modification in premenstrual syndrome.
- Mr. Pandit Sharad Bhausaheb

Effectiveness of aromatherapy massage on postoperative pain and sleep pattern among children.
- Mr. Raghu V A

Knowledge about traffic Signs among adolescents .
- Dr. Rekha J. Ogale , Mr. Vishal R. Naikare

Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge and Practices of Nurses regarding Care of the Patient on Mechanical Ventilator.
- Mr. Rahul Bhausaheb Pandit

Effectiveness of supine and prone position on oxygen saturation in specific Respiratory disorders among the neonates admitted in NICUs.
- Ms. Lisa Sam

Effectiveness of planned health teaching on the knowledge regarding warning signs of pregnancy among antenatal women.
- Ms. Swati Khandare

Effect of foot and hand massage on post operative pain of patients with chest surgery.
- Ms. Vaishali Kale

Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding risk of coronary artery disease amongst patients with diabetes mellitus.
- Mr. Aniket Arole
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