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   Past Issues

     Vol. III, Issue I, June 2013.

Attitude Of Nursing Students towards mental illness and mentally ill patients.
- Mrs. S. Dumbray

Levels of Depression and Burden among care givers of Patients with Chronic illness.
- Mrs. Nanda M.Pardeshi

Relationship of physical health status of mother to the physical health status of new born.
- Mrs. N. Ujwala Premswaroop

Problems encountered during Hospitalisation & Coping Strategies adopted by the Oncology Patients
- Prof Pravin Dani.

Knowledge on Collection and storage of cord blood banking.
- Ms.S. Vijayalakshmi

Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding comomn eye injuries and its prevention.
- Mr. Mahantesh D.Dashyal.

Routine oral care versus alcholol based mouth wash.
- Ms. Meenakshi K.

Caregivers Burden of mentally challenged children.
- Miss Arpana Jadhav

Prevalence of vitamin A deficiency among Anganwadi children and Knowledge of mothers regarding vitamin A.
- Ms. Kavita Thokal

Effectiveness of slide show on water birth among staff nurses.
- Ms. Minerva Devi Maibam.

Psychological effects and perceived social support of women underwent surgical interventions.
- Ms. Neethu P.V.

Home Care of bronchial asthma patient.
- Ms. Prajwala C. Dongardive
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