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    Past Issues

     Vol. IV, Issue I, June 2014.

A study to assess the practices affecting thermoregulation in newborn immediate after birth within four hours.
- Prof. Mrs. Meena Sonavane

Level of stress among the nurses working in intensive care units.
- Mrs. Manisha N. Pawar

Effectiveness of Planned Health Teaching on Knowledge of Cervical Cancer among Adolescent Girls.
-Ms. Shital Waghmare, Mrs. Sheela Upendra

Stress level among wives of alcoholics.
- Ms. Nisha S. Naik

Health teaching regarding low back pain among sedentary workers.
- Mrs. Sadhana U. Adhyapak

A study to assess the effect of booklet on selected immunization among mothers.
- Mrs. Shweta Joshi

Effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation technique on anxiety.
- Ms. Lisa Sam

Effectiveness of dry ginger powder in reduction of nausea and vomiting among antenatal mothers.
- Ms. Manjusha D. Telgote

Effectiveness of planned health teaching on Knowledge and Practices among Staff Nurses regarding Indwelling Catheter Care.
- Mr. Rahul Bhausaheb Pandit, Ms. Minal Vishwanath Bayaskar

Disaster Preparedness among Staff Nurses.
- Ms. Gawade Sonal

Effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding Basic Life Support (BLS)
- Mr. Nitin Philip

Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge of emergency drugs among staff nurses.
- Mr. Rajendra D. Lamkhede

Effectiveness of deep breathing exercise on level of stress among the industrial workers
- Mr. Sachin Thorat

Common menstrual problems among adolescent students.
- Mr. Sharad Bhausaheb Pandit

Effectiveness of deep breathing exercises on the level of anxiety among the family members of patients admitted with cardiac disorders.
- Mr. Varun Satyachari

Effectiveness of activity therapy on self esteem of patients with Schizophrenia.
- Mr. Amol Kanade

Sexual health and its perceived barriers.
- Mr. Amit Jawahar Salvi, Mr. Hanuman Ram Bishnoi
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