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    past Issue

     Vol. IV, Issue II, Decmeber 2014.

Planned health teaching programme regarding legal aspects.
- Dr.(Mrs.) Nilima Rajan Bhor, Mr. K.Pujari and Mrs. Archana Dhanwade

Effect Of Mind – Body Program on Chronic Low Back Pain.
- Ms Ranita Lobo and Mrs.Siman Xavier

Competencies in casualty.
- Mrs. Suchana RoyBhowmik

Adolescents knowledge and attitude towards Violence against women
- Mr. Sharad Pralhad Khatake

Pranayam : Effective measure for Hypertension.
- Mrs Himalini Nimbalkar

Internet addiction among employees: on a rise.
- Ms Sneha Mankar

Overweight in Adolescents: needs to be assessed.
- Mrs Gayatri Upasani

Pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with Respiratory disease.
- Ms Divina M,Ms Aleena V,Ms Soniya S,Mr Kishore R & Mr Sachin B
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