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    Past Issues

     Vol. II, Issue I, June 2012.

Stressors and Coping strategies adopted by persons taking insulin therapy
- Mrs. Khurshid S. Jamadar

Effectiveness of planned health teaching on the attitude of students towards persons suffering from mental illness
- Ms. Floria Fernandes, Mrs. Shubhada Kale

Effectiveness of planned teaching on the knowledge and practices of mothers of children 0-5 years on prevention and management of diarrhea
- Mrs. Vaishali Kardile, Mrs. Sreelekha Rajesh

Is the present curriculum preparing the graduates for future?
- Mrs. Fernandes Perpetua R.

Effectiveness of music therapy on communication skill of autistic children
- Mrs. Jadhav Pratibha B.

A Survey to assess the knowledge regarding health status of school children among primary school teachers
- Mr. Sandeep Kale

Geriatric Emotional Health: Residing In Old Age Homes
- Mrs. Reshma Salve

Factors influencing suicidal behavior among the adolescents
- Mr. Athare Sainath V.

Coping patterns among the adolescents with dysmenorrhoea
- Ms. Seema Anil Chavan

Domestic precautions for Geriatrics.
- Mr. Pankaj Yohan Kale

Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of conduct disorder among high school teachers
- Mr. Shivanagouda V. M.

Mental health of middle aged working women
- Mr. Game Vishal Raghunath

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